
Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities!

  • Connect with 650+ hotel and lodging properties in Alberta
  • Target managers, owners and leaders within our member hotels
  • Promote programs, products and services directly to a captive audience


Choose from one of two options:

  • Full width advertisement: 700 x 150 pixels
  • Half width advertisement with accompanying text: 350 x 250 pixels (image size)

Cost: $250 per quarter for two features in the Innsider. *Net rates. All ad spaces are the same price. Total available ads: 2 per issue. The Innsider publishes 21 times annually. Book early to secure your spot!

Advertisement Image

Want to make sure that your message stands out? Consider working with us to send a dedicated email to our members. This customized and targeted email option is only offered once per quarter to all advertisers.

Cost: $750 per email. *All artwork is required seven days prior to publication date in JPG or PNG format. The AHLA will provide a data report on any advertising opportunities (including impressions, clicks, etc.) if requested and available.

Are you looking to connect with our members and help them understand the benefits of your product or service? Consider writing a guest blog for our website. Content and graphics must be provided. Your blog post will appear on the homepage as long as it’s in the most recent three blog posts, and will live on the blog indefinitely.

Cost: $250 per blog post. The AHLA reserves the right to edit all guest blogs and to decline any content we deem inappropriate. We will accept a limited number of guest blog posts annually.


The AHLA’s Quarterly Innsight webinar is held once each quarter and is targeted towards managers, owners, and leaders within our member hotels. You will receive a 5-minute virtual speaking opportunity during the webinar. Your company’s information will also be featured in all promotional emails leading up to the event. This includes, but is not limited to, social media and our bi-weekly Innsider newsletter. Typical registrations: 50 people representing over 85 properties across Alberta.

Cost: $1,000 per webinar

Our HR Advisory Council is a knowledgeable and influential group of Human Resources experts from hotels across the province. This opportunity provides you with a 10-minute in-person (when possible) speaking opportunity plus networking time. Our HR Advisory Council meets 3-4 times annually.

Cost: $1,500 per meeting

As the official health & safety association for all hotels and convention centres in the province, the AHLA has introduced the Virtual Education Series to provide health and safety learning opportunities tailored to hotel employees in Alberta. You will receive a 5-minute virtual speaking opportunity during the webinar. Your company’s information will also be featured in all promotional emails leading up to the event. This includes, but is not limited to, social media and our bi-weekly Shift newsletter for safety subscribers.

Cost: $1,000 per webinar

Want to get in front of a dedicated group of hotel industry leaders from Alberta? Connect with our AHLA Board of Directors at an upcoming meeting. Our Board of Directors is made up of hotel decision-makers who represent 10% of our member properties. This opportunity provides you with a 10-minute, in-person (when possible) speaking opportunity plus networking time. Our AHLA Board meets four times annually, and the ASC Board meets 3-4 times annually.

Cost $2,500 per meeting

Contact us at or 780.436.6112 .

*all prices are subject to applicable taxes.