
In Alberta most businesses are required to have members of their staff trained on first aid. This applies to hotels and convention centres. Find out the specific requirements for your property(ies) by reviewing the table below from the Occupational Health and Safety Code (Schedule 2, Table 6, First aid requirements for medium hazard work). 

Table 6 First Aid requirements for medium hazard work

The AHLA offers discounted rates to Members on Basic and Intermediate First Aid training courses. We offer a blended learning option to members, where part of the course (theory portion) is taken online, and the second part is taken in person at a St. John Ambulance location.

Members can sign up for a course by doing the following:

  1. Log in to navigate to the “member catalog” and add the course to your cart.
  2. Don’t have an account? You can register at
  3. After completion of the online portion: You will be given instructions on how to book the in person portion of your course upon completion of the theory portion.

If you have any questions, please contact us at