Q4 Industry Updates for Alberta Hotels
November 15, 2022

Q4 Industry Updates for Alberta Hotels

At our latest Quarterly Innsight webinar, AHLA members learned about:

  • The latest economic trends in our industry
  • AHLA Advocacy Update
    1. Resort Municipality Status
      • There is a push by some communities to implement a resort municipality status similar to BC’s resort status model.
      • There is concern that this model could impact the local voluntary DMF system that exists throughout Alberta.
      • The AHLA remains against any new taxes that directly impact hotels.
      • The AHLA is watching this issue closely and will continue to update you.
    2. New Premier and Cabinet
      • In October, Danielle Smith won the leadership review with 51% of the UCP membership.
      • Premier Smith has appointed MLA Todd Loewen as Minister of Forestry, Parks and Tourism
      • MLA Miranda Rosin is Alberta’s Parliamentary Secretary for Tourism
      • Read our letters of congratulations to Ministers Toews, Loewen, and Sawhney and MLA Rosin.
    3. Spring 2023 Election
      • See the AHLA advocacy priorities here.
      • In the coming months, the AHLA will be calling on your help to engage with your local elected officials to ensure tourism and hospitality is made a priority for both the NDP and the UCP.
  • Labour Update
    1. Federal Announcements
      • The 20 hour/week work limit has been temporarily lifted for international students.
      • Immigration Canada has expanded their immigration targets to meet 500,000 newcomers by 2025.
  • Insurance options for Alberta hotels, including the relaunch of the AHLA HIP Program on December 1, 2022 with Western Financial Group and the AHLA’s captive insurance project
  • The AHLA power buy with our partner, Gas Alberta Energy
  • The AHLA 2022 Wage Survey is complete and ready for purchase, please contact Gayle Day at to purchase a copy of the full report

Stay tuned for details about our next Quarterly Innsight in March 2023. If you would like to learn more about membership or our cost-saving programs (like those for electricity and natural gas), contact us at or 780.436.6112. If you would like to learn more about our advocacy efforts, please contact Laurie Chandler, Director Communications & Advocacy, at