Q3 Industry Updates for Alberta Hotels
August 30, 2022

Q3 Industry Updates for Alberta Hotels

At our latest Quarterly Innsight webinar, AHLA members learned about:

  • The latest economic trends in our industry
  • Addressing labour challenges by creating a sustainable workforce for Alberta hotels
    1. Identify, develop, & cultivate sources of labour and help members to connect with them, such as:
      • Signing an MOU with the El Salvador Ministry of Labour
      • Working with organizations that can connect you with Ukrainian newcomers
      • Developing partnerships with Prospect and Recruit Without Borders
    2. Raise the level of health & safety and HR practice in Alberta hotels by:
      • Developing a new designation for health & safety, human resources, and loss prevention
      • Investing in a new Learning Management System
      • Re-launching the Wage Survey for 2022
      • Holding regular Virtual Education Sessions on HR and health & safety issues
    3. Ensure government & stakeholders understand the labour landscape for Alberta hotels by advocating to government officials on issues such as:
      • Eliminating LMIAs & extending TFW permits
      • Adjusting policies within the IEC Working Holiday Program
      • Increasing the number of certificates for provincial nominee programs
      • Developing a Trusted Employer Program with industry
  • Insurance options for Alberta hotels, including the HIP Program with Western Financial Group and the AHLA's captive insurance project
  • The upcoming power buy with our partner, Gas Alberta Energy

Members also heard from Carmen Biggins , Lisa Ho, and Michael Payette from the Government of Alberta's Labour and Immigration department. They shared information on the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP), formerly the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program, and updates on Ukrainian newcomers in Alberta. If you would like to learn more about membership or our cost-saving programs (like those for electricity and natural gas), contact us at or 780.436.6112.