Advocating for Industry in Alberta's 2023 Budget
November 22, 2022

Advocating for Industry in Alberta's 2023 Budget

Advocating for Industry in Alberta Budget 2023

The AHLA continues to advocate for members and the hotel industry by providing feedback on the Government of Alberta’s 2023 Budget. In the feedback submission, we highlight that Alberta hotels are a key driver of economic diversification, job creation, and sustainable, clean growth in the province. Hotels are pillars of their communities, serving guests and providing fulfilling careers for employees. Of the province’s hotels, almost 90% have Alberta-based ownership and more than half are independently owned and operated. To continue to support our industry’s full economic recovery, the AHLA believes the following are fundamental when considering the 2023 provincial budget. Sustainable Tourism Funding

  • Dedicate 100% of the revenues collected through the 4% Tourism Levy to Travel Alberta
  • Maintain Travel Alberta as Alberta’s arms-length Destination Marketing and Management Organization
  • Increase the commission paid to Video Lottery Terminal (VLT) retailers to 18%

Labour Shortages

  • Create a long-term labour strategy that will enable Alberta hotels to recruit and retain highly qualified workers by prioritizing hotel sector jobs under the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program
  • Ensure the AAIP program has sufficient certificates to support hotel sector jobs
  • Continue the work-integrated learning voucher program

We continue to be grateful for the assistance throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and appreciate the open dialogue we have had with Alberta’s government. The AHLA will continue to advocate for the interests of the accommodation sector on behalf of our members, and with a focus on measures that ensure continuous recovery and growth of our industry. Read our full submission here. If you have any questions, please contact Laurie Chandler at